R.O.C. Youth Ministry
Rebuilding Our Connectionโโโ
We inspire to cultivate leaders within the R.O.C Youth Ministry. More than ever, NOW is the time to ensure that we are providing opportunities that allow our youth to contribute and make a strong impact within our society. As we come together to assist them in developing leadership skills, we also recognize the importance of supporting them spiritually - continuing to pray for them daily.
Young Leaders of Today -
Cultivating Leaders for the Future
Sharing Life Together
Emmanuel's youth ministry focuses on building relationships with the younger generation by spending time with our youths, as well as experiencing life together. As Paul stated in 1 Thessalonians 2:8, "We loved you so much that we delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well" NIV. We share the Gospel message of redemption through Jesus Christ.
We Aim To Understand
Today's teenagers are facing spiritual challenges. As a result, many teens feel lost, unheard, or without faith in a challenging world. We aim to understand, educate, engage and motivate our younger generation. Our Youth Teachers are equipped to help them grow in their faith by offering emotional and spiritual support.
A Kingdom Mindset
We focus on the Gospel and having a Kingdom mindset. We are grounded in God's word and strive to model servant leadership. We prioritize healthy relationships with one another. We engage in prayer, support and collaborate with other Ministries within our church. We cultivate a safe, accepting and loving environment for our youths.
Sharing The Gospel Message
We seek to build up spiritually healthy teenagers by connecting them to other believers and equipping them with God’s word. We support parents in fostering their middle and high school children to honor God. Our goal is for them to experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ, leading them to identity and purpose.